Monday, August 2, 2010


Being of Chinese ethnicity and having grown up in Asia, you would think that I have had my fair share of eating and doing weird/interesting things. This is an assumption based on fact, but I have also had my fair share of firsts during this trip. As an attempt to make up for my serious delay in posting, this post will have photos galore.

Any past experience I have had with balut was when my family lived in the Philippines, and my dad would order it when people came over, for the shock factor. On top of convincing visitors that my dad was legit, it grossed my brothers and I out tremendously, which was probably part of the entertainment. 15 years later, I had gathered enough courage to face this abomination.

A veiny, crunchy, fertilized duck egg
Traces of duck fetus on my murderous lips

D and I went to Cambodia to do some research for a week, and I took my vacation the following week to chill with my parents. As an initiation by Steve, Jodi and the water interns in Cambodia, we had tarantulas. They were deep fried, and tasted like oil. Mostly crunchy and a little bit squishy, the mental torture was probably enough to kill a baby seahorse.
Big, hairy, arachnids

On a slightly different note, I rode an elephant for the first time in Phnom Penh. Sambo is an adorable old elephant who dons slippers while taking walks. 

On a completely different note, a few weeks ago, one of the Ates we live with brought us home to her province. It was a privilege to see the beautiful place she grew up in, meet her lovely family, and breath the cool mountainous air.
Green and blue, like Captain Planet
A flower so pretty it looks fake
A view from the Sariaya Church bell tower
That's it for now, a more extensive look at Cambodia is on its way.

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