Sunday, May 23, 2010


We went to our hosts' church on Sunday. The songs were awesome and in English, and the sermon was in Tagalish, with an emphasis on the Tagalog. The powerpoint was in English, so I suppose we had a good outline of what was going on. We met some of our hosts' friendly friends afterwards.

An intern with our partner organization brought us to the mall after, where we discovered Crustasia. Both witty and delicious. It's Asian seafood... get it? Also, they have a buffet, and they have bibs. I apologize for the overexuberance in the photo, but I was quite happy to learn that I don't have to give up seafood for 5 months.

Also... I was really hungry... But anyway, below is the display of what I got for ~ $12 CAD. I honestly didn't eat dinner.

Yes, I realize that my food exhibition skills are next to non-existent, but this only means improvement over the next 5 months, right? Anyway... next I spotted a Coffee Bean. Again, a bit of overexcitement may have occured. But with the perfect blend (sorry...) of nostaligia and yummy, can you really blame me?

The only downer of the day was when some jerk sliced open our friend's bag and took her wallet :( All important items were eventually recovered, and things could have been much worse, but the fact that chumps and injustice exist left a bad taste in our mouths.

Nevertheless, Danielle and I navigated our way home on public transit all by ourselves with no further incidents. Yay!

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